How to Pay for a New Furnace

When winter’s bitter chill sets in and your old furnace starts acting up, you may find yourself facing the inevitable question: Is it time to install a new furnace?

There are many driving forces behind this decision, whether it’s due to your existing furnace finally breaking down, the increasing expenses associated with frequent repairs, or your desire to enjoy the benefits of a newer model with modern features.

No matter the reason, you’re still probably wondering how you’re going to pay for it. Help is available; you just have to know where to look!

In this blog from Novak Heating and Cooling, we’ll explore some of your payment options and remind you why a new furnace installation in your Cedar Rapids, Iowa, home is worth every penny.

How Much Does a New Furnace Cost?

Furnace prices can vary widely depending on the type of furnace you choose.

Natural gas furnaces are a popular choice for their energy efficiency and consistent heating capabilities. The typical gas furnace cost is anywhere from $2,500 to $7,500. Additional expenses may include the installation of a gas line and ductwork.

Electric furnaces are generally more affordable upfront compared to gas furnaces. The installation cost for an electric furnace can vary from $1,000 to $6,000. Keep in mind that electric furnaces tend to have higher operating costs over time due to electricity rates.

Oil furnaces are another option, especially in areas without access to natural gas. The cost of purchasing and installing a new oil furnace typically falls between $5,000 and $10,000. Additionally, you’ll need to consider the cost of oil deliveries and maintenance.

Propane furnaces are an alternative in areas where natural gas is unavailable. The cost of a propane furnace, including installation, can range from $2,500 to $7,500. Similar to oil furnaces, propane furnaces require propane deliveries, and maintenance costs should be factored in.

It’s important to note that these cost ranges are approximate and can vary based on factors such as furnace efficiency, brand, labor costs, and any additional features or upgrades. To get an accurate estimate for your specific situation, consult with an HVAC contractor who can assess your needs and provide detailed pricing information.

How to Pay for a New Furnace Installation

Now that you have a general idea of your potential furnace installation cost, let’s explore your options for financing a new electric or natural gas furnace installation.

Personal Savings

Using your personal savings is often the most cost-effective way to pay for installing a new furnace. If you have enough funds set aside for this home improvement, it can help you save money by avoiding interest charges and monthly payments associated with loans or financing plans.

Home Equity Loan or Line of Credit

If you own your home and have built up equity, you may consider a home equity loan or line of credit to finance your new furnace. These options typically offer lower interest rates than personal loans or credit cards. However, keep in mind that using your home as collateral means you’re risking your home if you can’t repay the loan.

Manufacturer or Retailer Financing

Many furnace manufacturers and retailers offer financing options to help you spread your furnace installation cost out over time. These financing plans often come with competitive interest rates and flexible terms. Be sure to inquire about any special offers or financing deals that may be available.

Government Rebates and Incentives

Some government programs and utility companies offer rebates and incentives to encourage homeowners to upgrade to energy-efficient heating systems. These incentives can significantly reduce your furnace installation costs. It’s important to check for available programs in your area.

HVAC Company Rebates

HVAC company rebates can help you offset the upfront cost of purchasing and installing energy-efficient HVAC systems. They not only promote energy conservation but also provide financial incentives for you to make more environmentally friendly choices. To take advantage of these rebates, you should check with your HVAC contractor or the manufacturer of the equipment.

5 Benefits of Buying a New Furnace

Upgrading your home’s equipment and appliances is an inevitable part of homeownership. While it may not be the most exciting task, the benefits are certainly worth the effort. Here are some of the biggest benefits of a new furnace installation:

  1. Improved Energy Efficiency: New high-efficiency furnace models utilize advanced technologies and boast higher AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) ratings, ensuring that you get more heat from the same amount of fuel, resulting in lower energy bills and reduced environmental impact.
  2. Consistent Heating: Older furnaces often struggle to provide even heating throughout your home, leading to hot and cold spots. A new furnace unit distributes heat more evenly, ensuring every room stays comfortable.
  3. Enhanced Indoor Comfort: Modern furnaces feature advanced components like variable-speed blowers, allowing precise control over temperature and humidity levels. This creates a more comfortable living environment and improves indoor air quality.
  4. Reduced Maintenance Costs: Older furnaces often require frequent repairs and maintenance to operate efficiently. Newer models come with longer warranties and are built to last, reducing the need for constant repairs and lowering maintenance costs.
  5. Advanced Features: Many modern furnaces are equipped with advanced features such as programmable thermostats, zone heating, and humidity control, allowing you to customize your comfort and maximize energy savings.

Novak Has Your Back for All Your Furnace Needs

When it’s time for a new furnace installation or replacement, you can count on Novak Heating and Cooling for top-notch service.

We understand that furnace installation is a significant investment, and that’s why we offer various rebates and special offers to benefit our customers. These promotions change with the season and span everything from a furnace to a heat pump or an air conditioner, so be sure to check back regularly!

Novak Heating and Cooling also takes pride in being the exclusive Carrier factory dealer in Cedar Rapids. With this distinction, you can have complete confidence that you’re receiving high-quality products from a reputable service provider.

When it’s time to replace your heating system, don’t hesitate to reach out to our knowledgeable heating and air conditioning team. We’re here to provide furnace installation, furnace maintenance, and furnace repair services to ensure your home stays warm and comfortable, even on the coldest days.

Contact your friends at Novak Heating and Cooling today for a free estimate or to schedule an appointment.

Do Whole House Humidifiers Work?

Whether you live in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, or anywhere else that experiences cold temperatures, you’re well aware of the harsh winters that can make life uncomfortable. The dry winter air can leave your skin feeling itchy, your throat scratchy, and even impact the overall comfort of your home. To address these issues, many homeowners turn to whole house humidifiers. But do whole house humidifiers work? Are they really worth their price tag?

In this blog, we’ll explore the numerous benefits of humidifying your home and why you should schedule a whole house humidifier installation with Novak Heating and Cooling before the mercury really drops.

What is a Whole Home Humidifier?

You’re probably already familiar with a portable humidifier that you place on a bedside table, oftentimes when you’re under the weather. The primary difference between whole house and portable humidifiers lies in their coverage, as whole house humidifiers are integrated into your furnace or HVAC system in order to maintain consistent humidity levels throughout an entire house. Meanwhile, portable humidifiers are standalone devices designed for humidifying specific rooms or areas.

Whole house humidifiers come in various types, including bypass humidifiers, fan-powered humidifiers, and steam humidifiers, each with its unique features and advantages.

Bypass Humidifiers

Bypass humidifiers function by directing a portion of the warm air in your home through a water-soaked pad, allowing the air to absorb moisture. The air is then distributed throughout your house via the heating system’s return air duct. These humidifiers are cost-effective and typically require minimal maintenance.

Fan-Powered Humidifiers

Fan-powered humidifiers operate similarly to bypass humidifiers but include an additional fan to enhance moisture distribution. They are particularly suitable for larger homes and provide greater control over humidity levels.

Steam Humidifiers

A whole house steam humidifier generates steam, which is introduced directly into your home’s air supply. This method is highly effective at maintaining precise humidity levels and is especially well-suited for homes with specific humidity requirements.

Benefits of Installing a Whole House Humidifier

Next, let’s explore the benefits of having a whole house humidifier installed.

  • Consistent Comfort: Whole house humidifiers ensure a comfortable and consistent indoor environment by maintaining an optimal humidity level in every room.
  • Health Improvement: They can help alleviate dry air-related health issues such as dry skin, itchy eyes, and respiratory problems by providing a healthier and more comfortable living space.
  • Energy Efficiency: By making a room feel warmer at lower temperatures, they can reduce the need for excessive heating during the winter months, potentially leading to reduced energy costs.
  • Preservation of Your Home and Furnishings: Whole house humidifiers help prevent wood floors, furniture, and musical instruments from cracking or warping due to excessive dryness, thus protecting your investments.
  • Mold and Mildew Prevention: By discouraging the growth of mold and mildew, they contribute to a cleaner and healthier indoor environment for you and your family.
  • Enhanced Respiratory Health: Maintaining the right humidity levels can reduce the risk of respiratory issues and improve overall respiratory health, particularly for those with asthma or allergies.
  • Reduced Transmission of Airborne Viruses: Adequate humidity levels can hinder the survival and transmission of airborne viruses, promoting a healthier living space.

Is Buying a Whole House Humidifier Worth It?

During the winter months, indoor humidity levels can drop significantly, often falling below the recommended range of 30% to 50%. This drop occurs because cold air can’t hold as much moisture as warm air, and as you heat your home, the relative humidity decreases.

This dry indoor air can have several adverse effects on your health and home, making a whole house humidifier a very worthwhile investment.

How Much Does a Whole Home Humidifier Cost?

The cost of a whole home humidifier can vary depending on factors such as the type of humidifier, the size of your home, installation complexity, and additional features. Typically, prices range from a few hundred dollars for a basic bypass humidifier to over a thousand dollars for a steam humidifier with advanced features.

Professional installation costs, which are crucial for proper integration with your HVAC system, can also vary. To make this investment more manageable, it’s worth noting that Novak Heating and Cooling offers special offers and rebates that can help offset some of the costs associated with installing a whole home humidifier. These incentives can make the decision to improve your indoor air quality and overall comfort even more attractive.

What You Need to Know About Owning a Whole House Humidifier

While the advantages of having whole house humidifiers are clear, it’s crucial to recognize the importance of hiring an HVAC professional for your whole house humidifier installation.

Installing a humidifier is a complex undertaking that demands a deep understanding of your home’s heating and cooling system. The experienced technicians at Novak Heating and Cooling possess the knowledge and skills necessary to carry out the installation efficiently and effectively.

And, just like any other home system, whole house humidifiers require regular maintenance to function properly. Novak Heating and Cooling offers comprehensive humidifier maintenance services, ensuring that your system remains in optimal condition, continues to perform at its best, and delivers the comfort and air quality benefits you desire.

During a whole house humidifier maintenance appointment, your HVAC technician will:

  • Inspect the humidifier unit and components for any signs of wear, damage, or corrosion.
  • Clean and replace the water panel, filter, or other humidifier components as needed to ensure proper operation.
  • Check and calibrate the humidistat or control panel to maintain accurate humidity levels.
  • Inspect and clean the water line to prevent clogs or buildup.
  • Test the entire humidification system to verify that it is functioning efficiently and distributing moisture evenly throughout the home.

Schedule Your Humidifier Installation with Novak Today

If you’re thinking about getting a whole house humidifier for your home in the Cedar Rapids, IA, area, Novak Heating and Cooling is the right company for the job. Our team specializes in various indoor air quality solutions, including humidifier installation, maintenance, and repair services.

Don’t wait until the dry winter air leads to discomfort and health concerns. Reach out to Novak Heating and Cooling today to schedule an appointment for a humidifier installation that will significantly improve your comfort, health, and overall quality of life during our challenging winters.

What Does Furnace Maintenance Include?

As winter approaches, ensuring your Cedar Rapids home’s heating system is prepared for the cold months is crucial for your family’s comfort and safety. One of the most effective ways to guarantee that your furnace operates efficiently and reliably is through regular maintenance.

In the latest blog from Novak Heating & Cooling, we’ll explore key furnace maintenance tasks, explain why they’re vital, and show how often to do them. Plus, discover the benefits of maintenance contracts for simpler heating system care and improved performance.

The Importance of Furnace Maintenance

Furnace maintenance plays a vital role in ensuring the efficient and reliable performance of your heating system. Here are the key reasons why you should prioritize regular maintenance for your Cedar Rapids, Iowa, home:

  • Energy Efficiency: Routine maintenance helps your furnace operate at peak efficiency, which can lead to lower energy bills.
  • Extended Lifespan: Proper care can extend your furnace’s lifespan, saving you money on premature replacements.
  • Safety: Regular inspections ensure that your furnace is working properly, reducing the risk of carbon monoxide leaks and other hazards.
  • Preventative Steps: Regular maintenance can identify and resolve minor problems before they escalate into expensive breakdowns.
  • Improved Air Quality: A well-maintained furnace filters and circulates air more effectively, leading to better indoor air quality.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing that your furnace is in top condition provides peace of mind during the cold winter months.

What’s Included in a Furnace Tune-Up?

When performing DIY furnace maintenance at home, tasks such as changing the air filter can help keep your system in good shape. However, for a more comprehensive maintenance check, it’s advisable to seek the expertise of skilled HVAC contractors who will complete a detailed furnace maintenance checklist to ensure your heating system’s optimal performance. These tasks include:

Thermostat Evaluation

The technician verifies that your thermostat functions correctly, accurately maintaining the desired temperature in your home.

Electrical Connection Inspection

All electrical connections are carefully examined to ensure they are secure and functioning efficiently, mitigating any safety risks.

Heat Exchanger Assessment

A critical component of the maintenance process, this examination aims to detect any cracks or irregularities in the heat exchanger. Identifying such issues is vital, as they could lead to carbon monoxide leaks, a potentially life-threatening situation.

Air Filter Maintenance

To ensure optimal airflow and air quality, the technician replaces or cleans the furnace filter, preventing any impediments that could hamper the heating system’s efficiency.

Burner Cleaning

Cleaning the burners is a crucial step in preventing uneven heating and gas wastage, enhancing the furnace’s efficiency.

Blower Motor Lubrication

Lubricating moving parts within the blower compartment reduces friction and promotes greater efficiency, helping to extend the system’s lifespan.

Safety Control Assessment

Ensuring the safety controls, including the limit switch and gas valve, are functioning correctly is paramount to preventing hazardous conditions that could jeopardize your household’s well-being.

Ductwork Inspection

By checking for potential leaks or blockages within the return air ducts, the technician ensures unobstructed airflow, which is essential for consistent heating throughout your home.

Combustion Chamber Analysis

The combustion process’s efficiency and safety are evaluated to confirm that the furnace is operating optimally and posing no risks to your household.

How Often Should You Schedule Furnace Maintenance?

Ideally, it’s recommended to schedule furnace maintenance biannually – in the fall before the heating season and in the spring before the cooling season. This schedule ensures your furnace is well-prepared for the demands of both seasons. However, if you can only manage a tune-up once a year, it’s best to do so before the heating season when your furnace sees more use. Annual furnace maintenance is vital for your heating system’s performance and longevity.

If you encounter problems such as insufficient heating or unusual noises, it’s crucial to request a furnace repair. However, in the event of a complete furnace breakdown or if you detect a gas leak, electrical malfunction, or unusual burning odors, it’s imperative to contact an HVAC contractor immediately for emergency service, as these signs indicate serious safety concerns.

The Benefits of a Furnace Maintenance Contract

Maintaining a furnace can be a hassle, and it’s easy to forget about it amidst the busyness of daily life. This is where a furnace maintenance contract can be exceptionally beneficial:

  1. Convenient Scheduling: With a maintenance contract, you won’t have to remember when your furnace needs attention. The service provider will notify you and schedule the maintenance appointments for you.
  2. Priority Service: In the event of a furnace breakdown, maintenance contract holders often receive priority service, ensuring you get your heating system back up and running as quickly as possible.
  3. Cost Savings: Maintenance contracts frequently offer reduced rates on service calls, which will save you money in the long run.
  4. Consistency: A maintenance contract ensures that your furnace receives consistent, professional care, enhancing its overall performance and longevity.
  5. Warranty Compliance: Having a maintenance contract in place ensures you meet the manufacturer’s maintenance requirements, preserving your furnace’s warranty.

Novak’s Hassle-Free Maintenance Program

Save yourself the hassle by enrolling in Novak Heating & Cooling’s stress-free maintenance program, thoughtfully tailored to the specific needs of your Cedar Rapids, IA, home. When you join, you won’t have to worry about furnace maintenance or miss any seasonal tune-ups, as our experienced heating and air conditioning technicians will handle it all.

Schedule Your Furnace Maintenance Today

For over 88 years, Novak Heating & Cooling has been the reliable choice for Cedar Rapids and its surrounding areas. Our certified heating and cooling professionals are available 24/7, ensuring your heating and cooling systems function flawlessly. We are also experienced in new installations and replacements for older furnaces.

However, delaying furnace maintenance until winter isn’t advisable. Ensure the health and durability of your Cedar Rapids furnace by scheduling a standard tune-up or enrolling in our maintenance program. Contact Novak Heating & Cooling today to get started.

Are HVAC Maintenance Plans Worth It?

Picture this: It’s the dead of winter, and the icy cold air is creeping into your Cedar Rapids home. You turn up the thermostat, expecting a comforting rush of heat, but all you get is an eerie silence. Your furnace has broken down, and you’re left shivering. The prospect of facing a hefty repair bill looms, and you can’t help but think, “Could I have prevented this?”

Now, imagine if there was a way to avoid this chilling scenario. That’s where HVAC maintenance plans come into play.

In this blog, we’ll delve into the key reasons why investing in HVAC maintenance plans, like those offered by Novak Heating & Cooling, is a smart choice for homeowners.

What is an HVAC Maintenance Plan?

An HVAC maintenance plan, or heating, ventilation, and air conditioning maintenance plan, is a comprehensive service agreement designed to ensure the efficient, safe, and long-lasting performance of your HVAC system. These plans are offered by HVAC companies and provide homeowners with a proactive approach to maintaining their heating and cooling system.

At its core, an HVAC maintenance plan involves scheduled inspections, tune-ups, and cleaning of your heater and air conditioner. These services are typically performed by certified technicians who are trained to identify and address potential issues before they turn into costly breakdowns. The key components of an HVAC maintenance plan typically include:

  • Seasonal Tune-Ups: Scheduled inspections and maintenance are conducted twice a year, once before the heating season and once before the cooling season. This ensures that your HVAC system is well-prepared for the demands of both summer and winter.
  • Regular Cleaning: Cleaning various components of your HVAC system, such as the air filter, coils, and vents, to eliminate debris and improve efficiency.
  • Adjustments and Calibration: Fine-tuning your heating and air conditioning system to ensure it operates at peak performance, maximizing energy efficiency and reducing energy costs.
  • Safety Checks: Comprehensive inspections to detect and prevent safety hazards, including gas leaks and carbon monoxide risks.
  • Priority Scheduling: HVAC maintenance plan holders often receive priority scheduling for service calls, which can be crucial during peak seasons when HVAC systems are most in demand.
  • Cost Savings: Maintenance contracts frequently offer reduced rates on service calls, making it a cost-effective solution in the long run.

Who Should Sign Up for an HVAC Maintenance Plan?

Signing up for an HVAC maintenance plan is a wise choice for a variety of individuals, especially those who want to ensure their heater and air conditioning unit remain efficient, reliable, and safe. Here are some groups of people who should consider enrolling in an HVAC maintenance plan:

  1. Homeowners: If you own a home in Cedar Rapids or the surrounding area, you should strongly consider an HVAC maintenance plan. Maintaining your HVAC unit is essential to protect your investment and maintain your home’s comfort.
  2. Business Owners: Iowa Business owners with commercial HVAC systems should also invest in maintenance plans. These systems often have more extensive and complex requirements, making routine maintenance crucial to avoid downtime.
  3. Landlords: Landlords with rental properties need to ensure that their tenants are comfortable and safe. Regular maintenance from a skilled HVAC technician helps avoid sudden failures, which can be inconvenient for both tenants and property owners. If a renter’s AC unit suddenly stops blowing cool air, you’re going to hear about it!
  4. Property Managers: Property managers overseeing multiple properties, such as apartment complexes or commercial buildings, can benefit from maintenance plans to keep all HVAC systems in top condition, reduce emergency repairs, and keep tenants satisfied.
  5. Individuals with Health Concerns: If you or someone in your household has respiratory issues or allergies, maintaining healthy indoor air quality is essential. Regular HVAC maintenance can help ensure clean and fresh air is circulated throughout the home.

Why You Should Consider a Maintenance Contract from Novak

Novak Heating & Cooling understands the value of proactive HVAC maintenance, which is why we offer maintenance contracts that can be your ultimate shield against untimely system failures. Here’s what our maintenance contracts can do for you:

Prevent Costly Repairs

By catching problems early, you can prevent a minor hiccup from turning into a major, budget-busting catastrophe. Instead of facing an unexpected repair bill that could empty your pockets, you’ll make planned, budget-friendly investments in preventative maintenance.

Enjoy Optimal System Efficiency

When you sign up for an HVAC maintenance plan with Novak Heating & Cooling, you’re not just preventing breakdowns; you’re ensuring that your system operates at peak efficiency. Our maintenance technicians will clean, inspect, and fine-tune your HVAC equipment, making sure it functions optimally. By keeping your system in top shape, you’ll benefit from improved energy efficiency, which translates into lower utility bills and a reduced carbon footprint.

Prolong Your System’s Lifespan

Regular maintenance not only prevents costly repairs but also extends the lifespan of your HVAC system. Just as regular exercise and a balanced diet contribute to your well-being, a healthy dose of maintenance can help your HVAC system enjoy a longer, healthier life.

Get Year-Round Peace of Mind

One of the most significant advantages of an HVAC maintenance plan is the peace of mind it offers. With Novak’s maintenance contracts, you’ll never have to worry about missing seasonal tune-ups. Our experienced technicians will take care of everything, ensuring your heating and cooling systems are working properly.

Enroll in Our Worry-Free Maintenance Program Today

Novak Heating & Cooling provides budget-friendly maintenance contracts that cover thorough tune-ups for both air conditioners and furnaces. Our AC tune-up ensures the optimal performance of vital components like refrigerant levels, condenser coils, and electrical connections. Similarly, our furnace tune-up guarantees safety and efficiency, encompassing tasks such as thermostat calibration, burner and pilot assembly adjustments, and carbon monoxide level checks.

As the days get colder and the need for a reliable furnace becomes increasingly important, now is the perfect time to schedule your furnace maintenance and sign up for an HVAC maintenance contract with Novak Heating & Cooling.

With over 88 years of dedicated service in the Cedar Rapids area, our experienced technicians are ready to ensure your heating system is in excellent working order.

Why is My Furnace Running But There Is No Heat?

Your furnace is a key part of your home’s heating system. Imagine a chilly winter night, and you’ve just turned on your furnace to keep your home cozy and warm. But to your surprise, your furnace is blowing cold air. If you’ve ever found yourself in this situation, you’re not alone. Many Cedar Rapids homeowners encounter the issue of their furnace running, yet no heat is being produced.

In this blog, we’ll explore common reasons for this problem and offer furnace repair information to help you get your furnace back up and running efficiently.

Reasons Why Your Furnace Won’t Produce Heat

Here are some of the most common reasons your furnace isn’t generating heat and continues to blow cold air.

Thermostat Settings

The first step in diagnosing the issue is to check your thermostat settings. Ensure that it’s set to “Heat” mode and the desired temperature is higher than the current room temperature. Sometimes, the thermostat might be accidentally set to “Cool” or “Fan Only,” causing the furnace to run without heating.

Clogged or Dirty Air Filters

A dirty or clogged air filter can restrict airflow, causing your furnace to overheat and shut off the burners. In such cases, the blower fan will continue running, but no warm air will be distributed throughout your home. Regularly replacing or cleaning your furnace filter is essential for proper furnace operation and improved indoor air quality.

Pilot Light or Ignition Problems

If you have an older gas furnace with a pilot light, make sure it’s lit. If the pilot light is out, the furnace won’t be able to ignite the burners, resulting in no heat production. Newer furnaces use electronic ignition systems that may require maintenance or replacement if they malfunction.

Gas Supply Issues

If you have a gas furnace, another common culprit for a running but heatless furnace is a problem with the gas supply. If there’s a disruption in the gas supply line or the gas valve is closed, your furnace won’t be able to burn the fuel needed to generate heat. Ensure that the gas valve is open and that there are no gas leaks. If you have an electric furnace, then you can ignore this bit of advice.

Malfunctioning Thermostat

A faulty thermostat can also be the reason behind a furnace running without producing heat. If the thermostat isn’t sending the right signals to your furnace, it won’t activate the burners. Consider replacing the thermostat or consulting a professional for repairs.

Blocked Air Vents or Ductwork

Blocked or closed air vents can restrict the airflow in your home, preventing warm air from reaching the rooms. Check all vents and registers to ensure they are open and unobstructed. Additionally, inspect your ductwork for any obstructions or leaks that could hinder heat distribution.

Overheating and Safety Shutdown

Modern furnaces are equipped with safety features that shut down the burners if they detect overheating. This can occur if there’s a malfunction in the furnace’s components, such as a faulty limit switch or a blocked heat exchanger. In such cases, it’s crucial to consult a professional HVAC technician for a thorough inspection and necessary repairs.

The Importance of Furnace Maintenance

Want to keep your furnace working for as long as possible? Make sure you keep up with furnace maintenance! Furnace maintenance is not just a routine task; it’s a crucial investment in the comfort, safety, and efficiency of your home. Regular maintenance ensures that your furnace operates at its peak performance, providing consistent warmth during the coldest months while also maximizing energy efficiency, which can lead to cost savings on your utility bills.

Moreover, a well-maintained furnace is a safer furnace. It helps identify and rectify potential safety hazards, such as gas leaks or carbon monoxide emissions, protecting your family from health risks. Additionally, maintenance can extend the lifespan of your furnace, delaying the need for costly replacements.

Overall, furnace maintenance is a small commitment that offers substantial returns, from ensuring your comfort to promoting safety and saving you money in the long run. Learn all about Novak Heating & Cooling’s worry-free maintenance plans here and get started on your preventative maintenance journey!

When Should I Buy a New Furnace?

If you have kept up with regular maintenance on your furnace and it is still blowing cold air, it may be time to replace your system. The decision to buy a new furnace depends on various factors, and it’s not always straightforward. Here are some signs that may indicate it’s time for a replacement:


Furnaces typically last between 15 to 20 years, with older units becoming less efficient and more prone to breakdowns. If your old furnace is approaching the upper end of this range, it might be time to consider a replacement.

Poor Energy Efficiency

If you’ve noticed a steady increase in your heating bills despite consistent usage, your furnace may be working inefficiently. Upgrading to a newer, more energy-efficient model could save you money in the long run. This could also mean your furnace’s blower motor is broken and needs to be repaired.

Frequent Repairs

If you find yourself calling in frequent emergency furnace repairs, it may be more cost-effective to invest in a new unit rather than continuing to pour money into repairs.

Uneven Heating

Uneven heating throughout your home can be a sign that your furnace is struggling to distribute warm air effectively, which may indicate the need for a replacement.

Strange Noises and Odors

Unusual noises or odors coming from your furnace can be a red flag. These issues could signify internal problems that are better addressed with a new furnace. If you have a gas furnace and smell rotten eggs, that could indicate a gas leak which means you should call a professional to check out the issue immediately.

Keep Your Furnace Blowing Hot Air: Call Novak Heating & Cooling

A furnace running without producing heat can be a frustrating and uncomfortable situation, especially during the cold winter months. While some issues can be resolved through simple troubleshooting, others may require the expertise of a professional HVAC technician from Novak Heating & Cooling. Regular maintenance and prompt attention to furnace problems can ensure the efficient and reliable operation of your heating system, keeping your home warm and comfortable throughout the winter.

Even if you need to install a new furnace entirely, Novak Heating & Cooling will get the job done!

Schedule your appointment with us today and get your furnace blowing heated air again!

Signs Your Dryer Vent Needs Cleaning

When it comes to maintaining a safe and efficient home, your dryer vent might not be the first thing that comes to mind. However, neglecting this essential component of your HVAC system can lead to various issues, including fire hazards and increased energy bills. In this blog, we’ll discuss the signs that indicate your dryer vent needs cleaning and explain why regular dryer vent cleaning is crucial.

Novak Heating & Cooling is here to shed light on this often overlooked aspect of home maintenance.

Signs You Need to Clean Your Dryer Vent

Long Drying Times

One of the most noticeable signs that your dryer vent is clogged is extended drying times. If it takes longer than usual for your clothes to dry, it’s a clear indicator that something is obstructing the airflow in your dryer vent.

Excessive Lint Buildup

Dryer lint might not seem like a big issue, but it can turn into a real problem if you are not careful. If you frequently find an excessive amount of lint on the lint screen or around the dryer area, it’s a sign that the vent is not expelling lint properly. Lint clogged dryer vents or a dirty dryer vent hood can lead to some serious problems, including an increased risk of a house fire.

Burning Smell

A burning smell when you use your dryer is a red flag. It can indicate that lint or debris inside the vent is getting overheated, which is extremely dangerous and should be addressed immediately.

Hot Dryer Exterior

If the exterior of your dryer is hot to the touch during operation, it could be due to a blocked vent. Overheating can not only damage your dryer but also pose a fire hazard.

Visible Debris Outside

Take a look at the dryer vent’s exterior opening. If you see lint or debris accumulating around it, it’s a clear indication that your vent needs cleaning. This can restrict airflow and cause lint to accumulate inside.

Why Regular Cleaning for Dryer Vents is Crucial

Now that we’ve identified the signs, let’s dive into why regular dryer vent cleaning is essential:

Fire Prevention

The accumulation of lint and debris in your dryer vent can turn into a highly combustible material. Regular cleaning reduces the risk of lint igniting and causing devastating dryer fires.

Energy Efficiency

A clogged dryer vent forces your dryer to work harder and longer to dry your clothes, resulting in increased energy consumption and higher utility bills. Cleaning the vent allows your dryer to operate more efficiently.

Extended Appliance Lifespan

A well-maintained dryer vent contributes to the longevity of your dryer. When the vent is clean, your appliance doesn’t have to work as hard, reducing wear and tear on its components.

Improved Indoor Air Quality

A blocked dryer vent can cause lint and dust to circulate in your home’s air. This can lead to respiratory issues and allergies. Regular cleaning helps maintain a healthier indoor environment.

Reduced Repair Costs

Neglecting dryer vent maintenance can lead to costly repairs and replacements down the road. Routine cleaning is a cost-effective way to avoid these expenses.

The Benefits of Hiring Novak Heating & Cooling for Dryer Vent Cleaning

At Novak Heating & Cooling, we understand the importance of a clean dryer vent. Our experienced technicians are equipped to tackle even the most stubborn clogs, ensuring your dryer operates safely and efficiently. Here are some benefits of choosing us for your dryer vent cleaning needs:

  1. Expertise: Our technicians have the knowledge and experience to thoroughly clean and inspect your dryer vent, identifying any potential issues.
  2. Safety: We prioritize safety in all our services. By cleaning your dryer vent, we help protect your home and family from the dangers associated with clogged vents.
  3. Efficiency: A clean dryer vent means faster drying times and lower energy bills. Our services help you save both time and money.

Cleaning Dryer Vents Regularly

Want consistently clean dryer vents? If so, check out our helpful blog “How Often Should You Clean Your Dryer Vent?” for more information.

Say Goodbye to Dirty Dryer Vents: Schedule Your Professional Dryer Vent Cleaning With Novak Heating & Cooling Today

Don’t overlook the importance of a clean dryer vent in your home. Regular maintenance not only enhances safety but also contributes to energy efficiency and prolongs the life of your dryer. Novak Heating & Cooling is here to provide expert dryer vent cleaning services, ensuring your peace of mind and a healthier home environment.

Contact us today to schedule your dryer vent cleaning and experience the benefits firsthand. Your safety and comfort are our top priorities.

Should I Run My Mini Split 24/7?

Move over traditional HVAC systems – ductless mini splits are becoming an increasingly popular type of heating and cooling equipment for homeowners across Cedar Rapids, Iowa. While a mini split is a highly efficient, versatile alternative to a traditional HVAC system, a lot of people don’t know much about this newer equipment.
The experts at Novak Heating & Cooling have gathered some important information to help you operate your mini split to its fullest potential in our latest blog about how often you should run your ductless systems.

Check it out below, and contact Novak Heating & Cooling for all your mini split needs from installation and replacement to repair and maintenance.

What is a Mini Split?

A ductless mini split is a dual heating and cooling system that creates separate zones in your home for more enhanced temperature control. If you have drafty rooms, new additions not connected to your central HVAC system, or have family members who live in separate rooms and prefer different temperatures, then a mini split is a perfect choice for your Cedar Rapids home.
Since they don’t require ductwork, mini splits are relatively simple systems and don’t require much construction to install. These systems consist of an outdoor unit called a condenser and one or more indoor units, which are called air handlers. A single condenser can support up to 8 indoor units at a time, so you can ensure your entire home is made comfortable by a mini split system.
The two units are connected through a small hole in the wall by a copper refrigerant line that transfers heat between the units in different directions depending on your desired temperature. When you want cooling, the mini split brings air into the indoor unit, pulls heat out through the refrigerant lines, and dispels it outside, returning cool air into your home. When you need efficient heating, the system works in reverse.

Can You Run Your Mini Split Continuously?

If you’re wondering when and how often you should run your mini splits, the answer is simple – as much as you want or need. A mini split can be left running 24/7 because the systems are designed specifically for non-stop use.

In fact, keeping your mini split system running actually makes it more energy efficient and increases its ability to regulate temperatures with its internal temperature settings. Turning your ductless system off can have a negative effect on the mini split efficiency.
If you start noticing issues within your mini split systems and mini split settings, despite consistent operation, call Novak Heating & Cooling for fast and affordable mini split repair.

Mini Split Operation Tips

When it comes to using less energy and understanding how mini splits work, our skilled technicians at Novak Heating & Cooling have some additional tips and tricks to help your ductless mini split run continuously and efficiently.

Here are some common operational tips for your modern mini splits:

Set Fan to Auto

Your indoor unit is designed to automatically adjust the speed of your mini split fan when it’s in auto mode. This way your desired temperature will always be met, while also minimizing energy usage.

Use a Programmable Thermostat

A programmable thermostat can help you save money on your energy bills by pre-setting different temperatures for different times of day. These thermostats allow you greater control over the comfort level in your Cedar Rapids home and are easily connected to your mini split.

Schedule Routine Professional Maintenance

The most important thing you can do to ensure your mini split is at peak efficiency is to schedule regular maintenance with professionals like the team at Novak Heating & Cooling. We can inspect, clean, and conduct needed repairs on all of the heating and cooling systems in your Cedar Rapids home.

Installing, repairing, and maintaining all HVAC equipment, including mini splits, should be done by an experienced technician. Our team is well-versed in the challenges facing this equipment and the benefits, and we can educate you on everything you need to know to get the most out of your ductless system for years to come.

Contact Novak Heating & Cooling Today

In conclusion, you should run your mini split 24/7 if you want to conserve energy and ensure your equipment runs at optimal efficiency to cool and heat your home. And when your ductless system does experience an issue, even with consistent operation, Novak Heating & Cooling is here to help. For more than 86 years, we’ve proudly served Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and the surrounding area with expert repair, replacement, and maintenance services on all HVAC systems, from your heat pump and air conditioner to your mini split.

Contact Novak Heating & Cooling to schedule your next HVAC service appointment today.

When Should I Buy a New Furnace

Residents in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, know just how cold winter can get. That’s why it’s important to have a reliable, long-lasting heating system to keep you warm all season long. When properly maintained, your furnace can ensure a safe and comfortable environment for your family throughout the winter. Unfortunately, there are times when your furnace breaks down beyond repair.
When you’re without heat in the dead of winter, it may be time to buy a new furnace. Luckily, there are also times when you can replace a failing furnace proactively before it leaves you without heat. As local experts in furnace repair, maintenance, and installation, Novak Heating & Cooling is here to help with all the information you need to replace your furnace without disrupting the comfort of your Cedar Rapids Home.

Check out our helpful guide below and contact our skilled technicians when you need quality furnace replacement or emergency furnace repairs at any time.

Signs Your Furnace Needs to Be Replaced

Sometimes, your furnace will break down with no warning, causing you great stress trying to call for repairs and then trying to find an HVAC system replacement all in the cold Iowa winter. Other times, there are clear warning signs that your current furnace is in danger and will soon need to be replaced.
An HVAC professional from Novak Heating & Cooling can help you buy a new furnace if notice the following signs:

Old Age

A well-maintained furnace should last anywhere from 10-20 years depending on a variety of factors such as quality and usage. But once your heating system ages past 10 years, it is time to start thinking about a replacement. Older equipment can break down easier than newer equipment, costing you more money in the long run fixing a dangerous gas leak or broken heat exchanger.

Insufficient Heating

The whole point of a furnace is consistent heating throughout your Cedar Rapids home. So when you notice your home is colder than normal despite a working thermostat, or it takes much longer to get warm, it’s a clear sign your furnace is experiencing issues and it’s time to replace it.

Increased Energy Bills

When your furnace needs replacing, it’s likely due to an improper combustion process or type of mechanical failure, or old age. When it runs into these problems, it won’t operate efficiently, using more energy to run harder and more frequently. This will result in higher-than-usual utility bills until the issue is addressed and your furnace is replaced.

Odd Sounds

While some noise can be expected when your furnace cycles, it should be loud. If you start to notice excessive noise or sounds such as scraping, banging, wheezing, or screeching, it’s a sure sign that your furnace needs an HVAC inspection completed to determine if it needs to be replaced.

Frequent Repairs

There are times when your furnace will exhibit the above warning signs and our HVAC professionals will discover a simple repair is all that’s required to resolve the issue rather than a complete replacement. However, if you find yourself calling for repairs month after month with no end in sight, it’s time to purchase a new furnace. Pouring money into repairing your old furnace every time it breaks is much less cost-effective than getting a brand-new, more efficient system.

The Basics of Buying a New Furnace

Now that you know when it’s time to call our professional team for fast and affordable furnace replacement and installation, it’s time to decide what furnace you’re going to purchase. At Novak Heating & Cooling, we specialize in furnace installation for all models and sizes from the top brands and manufacturers in the industry.
To ensure you get the most efficient, compatible heating system for your home, consider these factors when buying a new furnace.

  • Type of Furnace: You can choose from an electrical, oil, natural gas, or propane furnace.
  • Size of Furnace: Our trained technicians will determine your home’s heating load and help you choose a furnace size that works efficiently for your needs.
  • AFUE Rating: Consider the Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency rating, which calculates how efficiently each furnace uses fuel. In order to maintain efficiency and reduce new furnace costs, we recommend a rating between 80 and 98.5 percent.

Why You Should Choose Professional Furnace Replacement

No matter the new furnace you choose to purchase, the most important decision you’ll make when replacing your heating equipment is who you hire to install it. When you choose Novak Heating & Cooling for furnace replacement, you’re working with the top HVAC company in the Greater Cedar Rapids area.
We’re committed to the safety and comfort of you and your family in every season. That’s why we worked diligently to ensure your furnace installation is done right the first time. We’ve replaced thousands of furnaces in the area in the last 86 years, making our team one of the most qualified for the job.

Contact Novak Heating & Cooling Today

You should buy a new furnace when it reaches the end of its lifespan or exhibits signs of inefficiency. At Novak Heating & Cooling, we understand the feelings of stress and uncertainty when it comes to furnace cost and replacement process, but our team is eager to make your new installation experience a good one. We’re highly skilled in HVAC service for all types of heating and cooling equipment and can help save you money with more efficient equipment with every replacement.

Contact Novak Heating & Cooling for your furnace replacement needs today.

How Long Does a Heat Pump Last

If you’re considering installing a heat pump in your home, you may be wondering how long you can expect it to last. Heat pumps are known for their efficiency and cost-effectiveness, but like any appliance, they have a limited lifespan. Today, the team at Novak explores heat pump life expectancy and offers some tips on how to optimize the longevity of your HVAC system.

How Does a Heat Pump Work?

First, let’s briefly review how heat pumps work. An air source heat pump is essentially a two-way air conditioning system that can both cool and heat your home. Unlike a furnace, which creates heat through combustion, a heat pump moves heat from one location to another. In the winter, it extracts heat from the outdoor air (even in cold temperatures) and brings it inside your home. In the summer, the process is reversed, and the heat pump moves warm air outside, effectively cooling your home.

There are other kinds of heat pumps like geothermal heat pumps or water source heat pumps that work in a similar fashion. Extracting the heat from the earth or water into the home. These heat pumps rely on ground loops to extra the heat, whereas an air-source heat pump system doesn’t need ground loops. The condenser unit for all of these heat pump systems is what has a life expectancy and will need to be replaced occasionally.

On average, a well-maintained heat pump can last anywhere from 10 to 15 years. However, some models may last longer, while others may experience wear and tear sooner due to factors such as usage patterns, maintenance habits, and environmental conditions. It’s essential to keep in mind that variables such as climate, air quality, and humidity levels can significantly impact the lifespan of your heat pump.

How to Increase Heat Pump Lifespan

What can you do to increase your heat pump’s life expectancy? Here are some things to keep in mind:

Regular Maintenance

Proper maintenance performed by a certified HVAC technician is essential to keep your heat pump in good working condition. Schedule maintenance appointments twice a year to ensure that your heat pump is running efficiently and that any potential problems are promptly addressed.

Frequent Air Filter Replacement

Replacing your air filter as needed can help your heat pump work more efficiently, prolong its life, and improve air quality. Check the manufacturer’s recommendation for replacement, and check your filter monthly to see if an earlier replacement is necessary.

Proper Usage

Avoid running your heat pump at extreme temperatures; dial in comfortable temperatures and try to maintain them. Rapid and extreme temperature changes strain the system and reduce your heat pump’s lifespan.

Choose a Quality HVAC Contractor

When selecting an HVAC contractor, it’s essential to choose a reputable and experienced one. They can provide installation, maintenance, and repairs with the needed technical know-how and at fair costs. When installing a heat pump, many manufacturers’ warranties are voided if the system isn’t installed by a reputable HVAC company. Not having a valid warranty in place can make maintenance and repairs a lot more expensive. Proper installation and service throughout the time you have your system can greatly increase your heat pump lifespan.

Energy Efficiency

Maximizing energy efficiency is critical to sustaining the life of your heat pump. The more efficient your system, the less it works to meet your heating and cooling needs, and the longer it will last. If you notice rising energy bills, call Novak to repair your heat pump. If repairs do not lower your energy costs, then you might want to consider replacing your heat pump.

By taking these steps, you can significantly enhance the lifespan of your heat pump. However, it’s also essential to remember that all systems will eventually need replacement, no matter how well-maintained they are. Eventually, your heat pump’s performance will deteriorate and repairs will no longer be financially sustainable. When it comes time to replace your system, be sure to select the right one for your home’s heating and cooling needs.

Get the Most from Your Heat Pump, Schedule Service with Novak Today

The lifespan of a Heat pump depends on its usage, maintenance habits, and environmental conditions. Still, with proper care, it can last up to 10-15 years or even longer. Regular maintenance, frequent filter changes, proper usage, quality contractors, and energy efficiency are all crucial factors to consider if you want to extend the lifespan of your heat pump.

By following our tips, you can get the most out of your heat pump and ensure that you have an energy-efficient and comfortable home for years to come. If you’d like to learn more about heat pump lifespan and how to extend it, contact Novak Heating & Air Conditioning today.

Signs You Should Have Your Air Ducts Cleaned

Maintaining a clean and hygienic indoor environment is essential for our overall health. The air quality at home and work is a crucial aspect of ensuring a healthy environment. While most people know how to clean the surfaces of their homes, many struggle to keep the air in their homes clean. The air ducts in your home provide a necessary function but can also impact the overall air quality of your indoor space. It is essential to have regular maintenance of these vents to eliminate any potential issues that could be harmful to our health. This blog post will discuss some common signs that air ducts should be cleaned and the benefits of doing so.

Red Flags – Signs Its Time To Schedule Duct Cleaning Services

Several signs indicate that it is time to clean your air ducts. These signs include common respiratory health symptoms, visible dust and debris, and higher-than-usual electricity bills due to the air conditioning system’s inefficiency.

Respiratory Health Symptoms

Dust, pet dander, pollen, and other particles may accumulate in air ducts. The accumulation of these allergens and contaminants creates an unhealthy environment when they are drawn back into the home’s ventilation system, potentially causing respiratory issues such as coughing, sneezing, and difficulty breathing. If you or your family members are experiencing any of these symptoms, it may be time to consider cleaning your air ducts.

Visible Dust and Debris

It is easy to spot if your air ducts are harboring debris, even without experiencing respiratory symptoms. The presence of dust around your home’s air vents and registers could mean that it is time to have your air ducts cleaned to remove the potential allergy triggers. If your home seems to have significantly more dust buildup than before, a thorough duct cleaning can help eliminate dust accumulation around your home.

Higher Energy Bills

If your home’s heating and cooling costs have been increasing for no apparent reason, it could be due to your air conditioning system working harder to regulate the indoor temperature. Clogged air ducts force the heating and cooling system to function more, leading to increased electricity bills. Cleaning your air ducts can eliminate this unnecessary workload, allowing your system to operate at its full capacity.

Inconsistent Temperatures Around The Home

If there seems to be one room that is colder than others, blockages inside air ducts can prevent conditioned air to reach this room. Professional air duct cleaners can remove this blockage, or check for damage to make sure you’re not wasting energy.

Recent Home Renovations

Paint, construction materials, and new furniture contain chemicals called VOCs (volatile organic compounds) that can hide in your air ducts for a long time. Following a home renovation, it’s a smart idea to schedule a duct cleaning to remove these chemicals from your home environment.

Air ducts are dark places that are great for harboring pests. If you’ve recently had your home fumigated, consider duct cleaning services after the fact to remove all traces of a rodent infestation from your air ducts.

Benefits of Cleaning Your Air Ducts

While many people only think of the term HVAC system to apply to furnaces and air conditioners, your ductwork is an integral part of your home’s comfort as well. Make sure you have maintenance done to your entire HVAC system by having it cleaned every 5-8 years, and we guarantee you’ll notice an improvement in your home’s comfort, along with other benefits.

Improved Air Quality

Cleaning air ducts removes dust and allergens that accumulate over time, making the indoor air cleaner and healthier. This reduction in allergens is especially helpful for people with allergies and other respiratory issues.

Reduction in Energy Costs

Air duct cleaning removes the buildup of dust and debris, which results in the efficiency of the HVAC system increasing. When the air conditioning system is working efficiently, less energy is consumed, and utility costs are reduced—the cost of cleaning the air ducts is offset by the savings achieved in the reduction of energy bills.

Longer Life Span of HVAC System

Regular cleaning and maintenance help to prolong the life of HVAC systems. Dirty air ducts lead to the development of mold and bacteria, which can be harmful to the system’s components. Cleaning air ducts regularly reduces wear and tear on the system and ensures that it lasts longer.

Schedule Air Duct Cleaning in Cedar Rapids, IA with Novak Today

Indoor air quality is vital for the health and safety of the occupants. When air ducts become dirty or clogged, this can affect the quality of the air that enters homes and offices. Regular cleaning and maintenance of air ducts ensure that indoor air quality is free from allergens and contaminants. Signs that air ducts should be cleaned include increased electricity bills, visible dust and debris, and respiratory health symptoms. The benefits of cleaning air ducts are many, including cost savings in electricity bills, prolonged life of HVAC systems, and improved air quality.

With this information, you can ensure that your indoor environment is safe and healthy for everyone. Contact Novak Heating & Air Conditioning for air duct cleaning and maintenance services today.